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Utalaya Foundation, as part of the “Natur Kosovo” initiative, during June and October 2023, has mobilized a group of 50 students from Asdreni School – Pejë, organizing two events of essential importance. The main purpose of these activities was to inform and sensitize the students regarding the establishment of environmental protection, the promotion of responsible mountain tourism, as well as the identification of biodiversity and the potential of Kosovo’s natural resources.

In addition, the foundation has continued with the implementation of educational activities in two other schools in the city of Peja, including Sh.m.u Tete Marsi School and Asdreni School – Peje, in the framework of the “Natur Kosovo” project. This project, with an important educational goal, has found active participation from the students of all the schools involved.

Initially, a group of children had the opportunity to explore the beauties of Kuqishta under the guidance of the mountain guide, Uta Ibrahimi. She shared her experiences with them and encouraged them to see nature from a new perspective. In addition, the ecologist Valentina Uka developed a presentation and quiz that actively engaged the children to learn more about the biodiversity of the mountain area that surrounds them.

During these events, climber and mountain guide Uta Ibrahimi shared her experience as a mountain guide and presented the “Via Dinarica” project. Ecologist Valentina Uka has presented valuable information on the flora and fauna of Bjeshke that surround the city of Peja.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to the Municipality of Peja and their staff for their continuous support in these events. These activities serve as an important step towards raising children’s awareness of preserving and enriching our natural environment.