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Deadline: 22nd of July 2022


UTALAYA Foundation in the framework of the project “NaturKosovo – the natural and cultural capital in Kosovo and the sustainable tourist development of the Via Dinarica” is seeking application for participants in the TRAINING FOR MOUNTAINEERING GUIDES for the Category “Mountaineering on easy trails in summer conditions” ACCORDING TO UIAA STANDARDS (UIAA – International Federation for Climbing and Mountaineering)


The “NaturKosovo – the natural and cultural capital in Kosovo and the sustainable tourist development of the Via Dinarica” initiative is meant to contribute to the sustainable touristic development in Kosovo. It enhances the cultural, historical, and natural resources of the country, generating sustainable development and creating job opportunities for local communities, supporting the local institutions in the governance of tourism and in the promotion of the Kosovar part of Via Dinarica.

Aiming to contribute to a sustainable tourism development in Kosovo, NaturKosovo intends to increase the value of cultural, historical and natural resources, generate sustainable development and create jobs for local communities, through the support of local tourism institutions and promotion of the Kosovo part of Via Dinarica.

The project is funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Pristina. It is implemented by a consortium of Italian and Kosovar organizations comprising the NGOs Volontari nel Mondo RTM and CELIM, with the technical support of UTALAYA Foundation, the Italian Alpine Club, the Italian National Alpine Rescue and Speleological Corps, and the Italian Association for Responsible Tourism.

  1. TRAINING FOR MOUNTAINEERING GUIDES for the Category “Mountaineering on easy trails in summer conditions” ACCORDING TO UIAA STANDARDS(UIAA – International federation for climbing and mountaineering)

The tourism industry, more than any other, involves a high degree of consumer contact and therefore there is a need for quality training for tour guides and tour operators of Kosovo. The training course on mountain guide techniques will allow the beneficiaries to acquire the necessary skills to accompany groups of tourists along mountain trails, raising the standards in terms of quality, safety, and attractiveness of Kosovo as a mountain tourism destination.

Specifically, participants will address issues related to the management of routes, the enhancement of natural and cultural heritage, group management, problem solving, etc.

Call for applications for participating in Training for Mountaineering Guides for the Category “Mountaineering on easy trails in summer conditions” according to UIAA standards will be opened from July 4, 2022 to July 22, 2022 (23:59PM).

Preselected candidates will undergo an entrance exam in August 2022, aiming to assess their skills in terms of experience, preparation and prior knowledge for the role of mountain guide.

The subsequent training of the new candidates for mountain guides shall consist of the following phases:

  • Basic School phase – Three days (August 2022):

–        two days of online sessions

–        one day in presence

Basic School consists of following topics: Weather/Meteorology; Personal and technical equipment; Psychology of mountain guiding; Environment protection, biodiversity; Moral and legal responsibility; Orientation with compass and maps – theory and practise; Orientation with GPS devices and mobile applications – theory and practise; Mountain terminology; Dangers in mountains and rescue; Nourishment; Knots.

  • Q&A Session – One day (August 2022)
  • Theoretical and practical training – Six days (in-person, October 2022), covering the following themes: History and organisation of the mountaineering guiding; High-altitude mountaineering; Dangers in mountains and rescue; Personal and technical equipment; Movement in mountain and guiding techniques; Psychology of mountain guiding; Description, performance and analysis of actions; First aid, the impact of mountains on human body; Orientation with compass and maps – theory and practise; Orientation with GPS devices and mobile applications – theory and practise; Bivouacking and Camping; Communication and radio links; Mountain Guides Obligations, Motivations; Trail Markings; Knots; Games; Practise.
  • Final Exam – One day (in-person, October 2022)
  • Apprenticeship period – 2 years (trainee period until the Final licensing of the Mountaineering Guides for the Category “Mountaineering on easy trails in summer conditions”)

In person activities will take place in Kosovo, on the Via Dinarica Trail.

Organization of the training

The training will be provided by the Mountaineering Federation of North Macedonia (FPSM), whose Mountain Guides Trainings were accredited by UIAA – International Federation for Climbing and Mountaineering for the period 2019 – 2024. In coordination with the Kosovo Mountaineering and Alpinist Federation, Kosovar trainers will be involved in the training course.

The participation in the training course does not require the payment of a fee, being all the costs of the course covered by the “NaturKosovo” project.

Who can apply?

General conditions

  • 18+  years old;
  • At least IV degree of education (secondary school);
  • Previous documented five-year mountaineering activity;
  • Ability to independently move in conditions that are for one degree more difficult than those provided for in the category which the candidate has applied for.
  • Ability to attend all training sessions, both online and in person

Special conditions

In the last five years completed at least 10 different mountaineering actions along easy marked or unmarked trails;

Required documents for application are (on English):

  • Application
  • CV
  • Motivation letter
  • Overview of the mountaineering experience in the last 5 years
  • Statement of health status with signature and stamp of an appropriate medical institution

Language requirements: English

How to apply?

You can submit your application by e-mail  to [email protected]  from 4th  of July 2022 to 22nd  of July 2022 (23:59PM) with the subject APPLICATION FOR TRAINING FOR MOUNTAINEERING GUIDES  for the Category “Mountaineering on easy trails in summer conditions” ACCORDING TO UIAA STANDARDS. Applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered. Questions may be sent by e-mail no later than 5 days before the deadline for the submission of applications to the address doruntina.[email protected]